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Content Marketer

(Social Media Marketing, Copywriting, Ghostwriting, Guest Blogging, Content Writing, and Personal Branding)

Your degrees may come and go but marketing is a skill for life!

Romaana Aamir

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Github Copilot Bright Future or Impending Doom

With the advent of GitHub Copilot hitting the coder's market, it has been widely debated and discussed whether it paints the picture that it promises or will it take away the security of developers and programmers.

Microsoft subsidiary GitHub and OpenAI have announced the new AI-powered Copilot as a service assistant for developers on 29th June 2021, basking in the glory of the all-time exclusive feature of "AI-Pair Programmer."

Acting as the perfect extension for beta users that assists coders by generating or auto-completing their codes, does it reckon an impending doom for developers? What does GitHub Copilot's advancement mean for the software engineering industry?

Like an add-on that helps writers curate content, Copilot allows developers to write their code by making suggestions. Copilot is much like the autocomplete features in email applications like Gmail and Google Extensions such as Google Docs. Will AI eventually replace developers?

Leadership Training– The Effective Powerhouse of an Organization

The success of an organization is measured by the impact that it has created. An indelible impact can only be created if your organization has capable lead makers rather than followers following a herd. With the competition out there in the corporate world, it is even more important to stay ahead in your industry.

Corporates all around the globe have incorporated leadership training programs to ensure optimal work performance. It is easier for anyone to be grounded in their comfort zones but the most successful ones are those that reform and transform themselves against all the odds.

Form 1040-NR - U.S, Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return

Form 1040-NR – According to the US laws, the non-resident aliens and the residents of the US have to file a tax return. The Internal Revenue System commonly known as the IRS is a US government agency that is responsible for the filing of tax returns, collection of taxes, and enforcement of tax laws.

The IRS has made several kinds of forms available for filing a tax return. The worldwide income earned by a US citizen is subjected to US tax regardless of their current residence. Form 1040-NR in p

PI Surveillance Fundamentals

Private Investigation Surveillance is bread and butter work for PIs working all kinds of different cases, from missing persons to insurance fraud, to theft and vandalism, to determining whether a parent is fit to have child custody or visitation rights to proving marital infidelity.

It’s all about the close and detailed observation of a person, place, or thing to gather facts that can be used to build a case – whether this means watching a store that has been repeatedly burgled to see if anyone is casing it for trying to break-in or watching a person who has insurance claiming for a leg injury to see if they miraculously get up and start running around.
In virtually every case, technology now plays a major role in getting the job done by enhancing a PIs ability to gather and document intel that reveals the story of a crime or transgression.

The technology available now is the stuff of James Bond flicks – these come in all sizes and shapes micro-bugs the size of a flea, ranging from a concealable pen camera to a camera hidden in a smoke detector to an easily concealable USB block camera, pinhole cameras with fiber optic stalks, stealth drones that hover unseen over suspects and track their every move …

Dental Canal Treatment: The Perfect Way to Restore the Decayed Tooth

Modern dentistry has treatment for all sorts of dental complications. One of the most common dental issues faced by people of all age is tooth decay. Severe tooth decay cases mostly end up to tooth extraction if not treated on time. Dental root canal treatment is the best treatment to cure badly decayed tooth and save it from extraction. With the introduction of new technologies, this treatment has become relatively comfortable and quick. Endodontists remove bacteria and dead tissues from the tooth and secure it with gutta-percha and superficial crown.

Rising by Lifting Others

How Enactus Aryabhatta, a team of young entrepreneurs in India, is accelerating the achievement of the SDGs.

Are the SDGs attainable? Many people ask.

It’s easy to let the seemingly slow progress of SDG implementation discourage us from taking action. Yes, 2030 is not far away and the goals are ambitious. But as with other goals, collective effort can make the SDGs mutually achievable.

While all the world regions have made some progress in achieving the SDGs, countries in east and south Asia


The Emirates stands as a hub for tourists and job seekers. Since there is a huge requirement for an Emirates Visa, there are millions of applicants who apply for the same. Emirates Visa for U.S. Green Card Holders has been a topic of discussion for a while. People who are not American Citizens but yet hold an Identification card which is issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and are allowed to permanently reside in the country.

The Visa Policies and the Immigration Authorities are very strict when it comes to granting Visa for those who wish to enter the country for their desired purpose. Considering the various Types of Emirates Visa provided by the Emirates, all of these Visas are categorized country-wise and the Required Documents for Emirates Visa are tweaked accordingly.

Step by Step Guide to Marketing your Mobile App

With over 6.3 billion smartphone users across the world, it is not the least bit surprising that the mobile app industry is exponentially thriving! Having finally developed a fully functional app is a difficult feat to achieve but now that you have taken the big step, do you know what’s next?

Marketing, marketing, and consistent marketing!

Your app like Clubhouse will not have many users if you do not market it well enough. Practically, there is no way your app could generate too many users after it has just hit the stores! There are around 2.87 million apps available for download on the Google Play Store alone, imagine trillions of apps you may find at different stores.

How to Create a User Journey Map

Have you ever had a bad experience reaching a destination because your friend is terrible at giving you directions? Feels frustrating, right? Well, now place your users in the same spot you were, struggling to reach the desired destination. Terrible, right? Are you left wondering why customers spend so long browsing through your services and products only to close to the tab and bounce off? I’ll address questions like these in article on how to create a user journey map.

The root cause of your users getting lost in the process is that you may not have a clear grasp of the customer journey map to purchase your product or service.

List of The top accounting software, Best Accounting Software 2020-21

Do you know the list of the top accounting software’s used by bookkeeping professionals? Here is the list of all software top bookkeeping professionals use:

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, accounting firms are regularly handling transactions and other financial activities. Accounting determines the financial health of a business, financial accounting maneuvers, complex operational budgets, gigantic ledger records as well as ascertaining profit accumulations, and maintaining b

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